Nice to Virtually Meet You!

Like what you hear? VNovus is always on the lookout for new partners and talent. So if you’re as passionate about Virtual Reality as we are, or are just curious about what we do, drop us a line.

Relentless Pursuit of Collaboration and Awesome

Having seen both at home and around the world how virtual reality can be a truly life-changing experience, we created VNovus to foster and showcase VR technology.

Located in the core of beautiful downtown Toronto, Ontario, our team at VNovus is always happy to partner with those who share our passion for this new technology. Whether it’s simple VR content creation or a complete VR system solution, we’d love to know about how VNovus can help.

400 University Ave. Toronto, ON M5G1S5

Want to join us?

With VNovus you will have the unique opportunity to interact, create, and enjoy the VR World. Whether you’d like to learn more or seek partnership, please feel free to reach out to us using the form below; we’d love to hear from you!